Apr 30, 2014

Kenya first christian country to legalize polygamy

Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta, supposedly a christian, has the leading role in yet another milestone:

Kenya first (overwhelming) christian country to legalize polygamy.
All media conceals this one basic fact. Example, TIME magazine:
“Marriage is the voluntary union of a man and a woman, whether in a monogamous or polygamous union,” Kenyatta said in a statement, the AFP reports.
The bill, which amended previous marriage legislation, was passed by the Kenyan parliament in late March following heated late-night debates that inspired female members of parliament to storm out of the room. While the original bill allowed women to have veto power over their husband’s additional spouses, male members of parliament moved to have that clause removed.
“When you marry an African woman, she must know the second one is on the way, and a third wife,” MP Junet Mohammed told the house during the debates, adding, “This is Africa.”

Agendas include:
1. destruction of the family.
2. dehumanization of women.
3. Paving the way to officially (using "elections") deliver christian majority to an illuminazi agent playing muslim, while "christian leader" plays suicide bomber.
4. part of the psy-ops preparing the supervised race war demonizing non-whites: "africans are polygamous" (“This is Africa”).

Kenyan president signs polygamy law

Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta and the rest of the Kenya puppet gov were assigned the leading role in a number of milestones of illuminati agendas:
Milestones of type illuminati theater:
- 2007: first episode of the International Court for War Crimes where the indicted president is not a resister but an illuminati puppet just playing a role.
- 2013: first false flag where both "attackers" and "victims" are actors and it's staged in public.
In the Nairobi Westgate Mall act 2013 there were people running around who were not aware that it was all staged.
Reminder: that was not the case in the first of such acts supposedly staged in public, the Boston marathon bombings, where the finish area had previously been cleared of anyone not in the cast.

Other milestones
- 2007: first overwhelming christian country where in some areas christians are targeted for genocide.
- 2013: first time that the agenda of falsely accusing the champions of natural sports was pushed to the limits, with the list of victims extended to kenyan athletes.
Reminder: Kenyan and ethiopian long distance runners dominate almost completely due to the natural advantage of living at equatorial high plateaus. 
- 2014: Kenya, first country with a majority of christians to legalize polygamy.

May 6, 2014: More women on the market in a country with christian majority - search for Kenya at:
Search in a race against the clock: this time BEFORE Boko Haram leader will sell them in the market.
Kidnapped Nigeria girls missing parody: parallel scripts: from Haram Harem to Obama Osama

Kenya "election" 2017: same script as Nigeria 2015, with variations in coreography.
To get what is unfolding in Kenya all you need is the 2015 Nigeria "election" script:

Manhunt for non-whites launched after Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, on Easter Sunday in Jerusalem.
Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end following the 2014 resurrection of Obama Bin Laden on the third year.
What comes after:

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